Author: Author Platforma Architecture + Design
Year 2017

Platforma Architecture + Design had the task to design the new headquarter for Maksat, a trade & telecommunication company. The location is at the outskirts of the City of Skopje in an industrial zone. The prairie like view influenced our approach of the whole design concept, embracing it as one of the highlight momentum.

They wanted to get out of the common local typology of having a front office building attached to the supersized warehouse. Instead we made a shift in the diagram, made a switch and proposed that the office space is on top of the warehouse, which allowed spectacular views of the landscape.

This opened up a totally new layout for the office space which is now formed around the atrium. The connection from the ground floor is through a glazed staircase, acting as a void connecting all the floors. We have been doing the whole interior design including all the furniture pieces.

Photography © Vase Amanito, All rights reserved.